Monday, January 14, 2013

Don't Judge A Book By Its Cover.

Life is funny.  Looking back on the last 48 hours, the two biggest events we experienced would give anyone the idea that our weekend was a bummer.  But even with those big baddies, it was still a great time.  There was the obvious, shared downer of the Bronco loss.  Yikes.  What a shock, but so many lessons to be learned both sport-centered and life-centered.  Certainly the phrase, 'Don't count your chickens before they're hatched' comes to mind.  Our second rough patch this weekend made the Bronco game look tame.

When the kids don't have an early game on Saturdays, Geoff and I really look forward to sleeping in, drinking coffee and reading in bed until we start to develop bed pain (something we have discovered happens in your mid-forties.  Delightful).  However, despite our steaming cups of caffeinated goodness and some tasty snacks, Geoff wasn't feeling good at all.  Back pain.  Shortness of breath.  A burning sensation in his chest.  So, after a quick Google search of heart attack symptoms, we decided to head to the urgent care clinic.  Once you can check off a few of the symptoms listed for heart attack, you tend to not debate too long about what to do.  From there, after an EKG that involved light chest shaving (always pleasant), they sent us to the St. Anthony's emergency room.  Note to self, if you really want to get into a medical clinic fast, let them know you're having chest pain.  We did feel slightly cooler than the other sick people at the clinic that morning as we sailed past them waving our EKG print out.  We'll take what we can get.

Geoff ended up needing a battery of tests to determine what was wrong.  We spent over six hours in the hospital and despite his having to go through two EKGs, two enzyme blood tests, a stress test, fluids, strange pills and liquids, and a CAT scan - we actually had a pretty good time.  We loved being able to chat without interruption.  We watched football and read.  Our kids were calm and cool about the whole thing.  And, once Geoff got the all clear, the wonderful St. Anthony's staff sped us through the checkout process because they knew we had to get JD to his lacrosse game.

Turns out, severe reflux feels A LOT like a heart attack.  After a GI cocktail and copious amounts of Prilosec,  Geoff is feeling much better (chorus of angels, please).

And on top of all that, JD played great, scored three goals, and got the game ball.  Eliza found a dress for Winterfest.  We went out for burgers.  I bit my lip three times while eating my burger, but the swelling actually adds something to my lip area causing me to look a little like Angelina Jolie on one half of my face.  Not bad.

I wore this to shop for Eliza's dress on Sunday.

It's a little Hot Lips Houlihan.  I'm thinking it was a subconscious choice due to our Saturday of emergency medicine.  Army green is a wonderful color, it goes with everything.  Layering delicate necklaces looks just as cool as wearing a statement piece.  Fourteen-year-old girls can't stay away from cameras.

gratitude:  the St. Anthony's ER staff, Purell, sun salutations, real cream for our coffee

thanks and love.

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