Friday, May 2, 2014

We Had Sodium-Free Bacon With Our Breakfast For Dinner Last Night And I Now I Know For Certain That Sodium Is The Only Thing That Makes Bacon Tasty.

I read somewhere that one way to motivate yourself to finish household tasks like laundry, etc. is to give yourself a treat after you finish a project.  The article I read suggested having a glass of wine after folding a load of clothes.  Of course, I don't know who wrote this, but I do about 120 loads every week and that level of wine consumption is a bit much, even for me.   I don't have a sweet tooth, so treating myself to chocolate or something, is far from inspiring.  And online shopping gets very expensive and doesn't provide instant gratification - so I save that prize for things like taking in the Goodwill, or Thursdays.

So yesterday, I used one of my all time favorite guilty pleasures to pull me through the task of cleaning all our kitchen cabinets.  Young adult fiction.  I used to carry a lot of shame around with me because of my fondness for this kind of storytelling, but I'm finding it healthy to just come clean on my addiction.  I blame my habit, partially, on the popularity of tablets and readers.  Once I had my first Kindle, it didn't take me long to realize I could read anything without shame because no one ever saw the cover of my book.  No one would know if I felt compelled to re-read the Lightening Thief series.  It's been quite a blessing, really.  And because this type of literature requires very little time or effort to read I can blow through an entire series in under 24 hours, thanks to the brilliant 1-Click order option from Amazon.

My last contact with young adult fiction was the Divergent series.  I loved it.  This time though, I wanted something shameless, something I couldn't possibly read without the anonymity of my iPad - so I chose the Selection series.  What caught my attention was the description of it on Amazon - it was called a combination of the Hunger Games, the Bachelor, and Cinderella.  How could I resist?  It was wonderful and ridiculous and totally entertaining - all taking place, of course, in a classic young adult fictional setting, the dystopian future.  Just what I needed to get me through the painful realization that getting white cabinets in the kitchen may have been a big, fat mistake and that Magic Erasers do weird things to your fingertips after a few hours of constant contact.

Unfortunately, as I crawled into bed last night to wrap up my read-a-thon, I learned the third book in the series won't be out until next week.  You can imagine my disappointment.

I'm wearing this:

I love the looseness of the drapey pant and the longer t-shirt.  It feels very relaxed, but pulled together.  This would look equally nice with some gladiators or low boots as well, but I wanted to try these new shoes instead.  I will throw on shorts for some time in the garden today, but due to my recent lack of sun exposure, I've spared you that visual.  You're welcome.

gratitude:  a warm, sunny weekend, outdoor lacrosse in the afternoon, Dad's new show, Geoff's return

thanks and love.

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